Monday, June 13, 2022

Twenty Five Ways to Improve your Vocabulary

25 Ways to Improve Your Writing Vocabulary

 A man with scant vocabulary is certainly a weak thinker and so cannot write any competitive exam worth its name. So do improve your vocabulary. The following ways will be of some significant use:

Have an abiding love for vocabulary: 

A great vocabulary is just one essential tool in a writer’s toolbox, along with punctuation, grammar, and many others. Vocabulary can make your writing more powerful and more effective and help you say exactly what you mean. This indispensable tool will help you choose the best word for every job and avoid vague words that do not give your readers a good sense of your meaning.

Building your vocabulary is one of the easiest ways to improve the power of your writing and make any writing task that much easier, as you will have several synonyms in your repertoire to pull from every time. Developing your vocabulary need not be difficult or painful. Here are 25 ways you can improve your writing vocabulary every day.

Use New Words

Use a word immediately after you learn it. Try to make a game out of using a new word as soon as you learn it. Every day, try to slip in a new word into the conversation, a journal entry, an assignment or an email to a friend. Do this as often as possible, and repeat the word to yourself.

Read Every Day

Once you’re out of school, word drills and assigned reading become things of the past. While these were tools for building your vocabulary repertoire while you were young, it doesn’t mean you should abandon reading. Try to read a well-written and edited essay, magazine article, book or news article every day. Nonfiction and technical books will quickly teach you new ways to think and speak with words you may be unfamiliar with, but any type of reading will help you along.

Learn Roots

Learn the roots of words. Most words in the English language are built from a common root, prefix, and suffix, usually with an origin in the Greek or Latin language. Once you learn a root, you’ll begin to understand more words that use the same root. For example, -duc- (Latin root word) means to lead or to make, such as in the words produce or deduce.

Use a Thesaurus

Keep a thesaurus handy. As you write, keep a thesaurus handy and use it when you find yourself using a word too often, or using a word that you know doesn’t quite convey the right meaning. This will help you better express yourself, and you’ll also learn a new word in the process.

Develop Practical Vocabulary

This means you should start by learning words that express what’s important to you for the task at hand. A good example of this is learning trade language or words you use often in a hobby or vocation. Rather than immediately turning to cliches or jargon that’s tossed around, look for clearer words to express to peers what you’re writing about.

Learn New Words Every Day

To improve your vocabulary quickly, make an effort to learn at least one new word every single day. There are plenty of ways to do this, such as a Word of the Day calendar or email list, or simply picking a word from a thesaurus or dictionary.

Look up Words You Don’t Know

How often do you come across words that are unfamiliar as you read? Don’t just gloss over them; take the time to look them up, and if you don’t have the time right then, write them down and look them up later.

Keep a Journal

Journaling won’t just help you develop your writing style, it will also help you improve your vocabulary. Try to use new or interesting words you’ve learned recently into a journal entry for the day or the week.

Identify Empty Words

You’re probably familiar with empty words in your speech (such as “uh” or “um”), but your writing probably has empty words as well. Look for these empty words in your writing that do not offer any substance to your reader and replace them with something more appropriate. The same principle applies to phrases and sentences, so make sure that you haven’t used six or seven phrases to say something that could be better communicated in one sentence filled with carefully-chosen words.

Diversify Your Reading List

If you tend to read the same sort of things day in and day out, you may not be exposing yourself to a wide enough range of vocabulary. Diversify the topics you read to include natural science, Shakespeare, contemporary literature, politics, history, philosophy or any other topics you think you may enjoy.

Do Word Puzzles

Word puzzles in the newspaper or a magazine aren’t just a fun way to fill time, they’re also perfect for boosting your working vocabulary. Crossword puzzles are a challenge that get your brain working hard to search your memory for words you do know but don’t use, and this can help you move words from your memory banks into your working set of vocabulary which will come across in your writing.

Try Word Board Games

There are plenty of word games on the market designed to improve vocabulary and language skills without being a bore. Some of these games you may have played as a child, so it’s time to break them out again and get to “work.” If you have a friend who could also use some help — or someone with a great vocabulary you think will challenge you — invite them over for a game night.

Practice New Words in Divergent Ways

It takes between 10 and 20 repetitions to make a new word a part of your vocabulary. To help the word settle into your mind and memory, write it down (both the definition and a sentence you make up using the word), use it in conversation, include it in an email or any other way you can think of.

Make up Associations

Start by saying the new word aloud, then relate it to a word you already know. A good example of this is gargantuan, which means “very large” or “gigantic.” Say a sequence aloud: small, medium, large, very large, gargantuan. Then list things you think are gargantuan.

Use Mnemonics

Mnemonic techniques are memory tricks you can use to remember new words. You may remember a word by sounding it out and thinking of a funny sentence that matches the meaning, such as turning egregious (extremely bad) into “Don’t let that smelly rotten egg reach us!”

Visualize New Words

Research shows that visualization is a great way to remember new words and their meanings. A good example of this is the word stratovolcano, which is a high, pointed mountain with a violent explosion. One way to remember this meaning is the fact that the prefix “strato” sounds like “straight-oh,” which may make you think of a straight ruler or a “straight-o-volcano,” which describes the word’s definition.

Make Your Own Vocabulary Tests

Keep a list of the new words you learn each week and incorporate into writing and conversation. At the end of each week, make yourself a quiz using the words to cement them in your memory.

Make Synonym Word Lists

Do you find yourself turning to the same word again and again in your writing? Grab a piece of paper and write it at the top. Next, brainstorm or use a thesaurus to generate a list of ten to twenty new words you can use instead. You can keep these lists in a vocabulary notebook and add to them whenever you learn a new synonym.

Take a Writing Course

There are plenty of online courses as well as in-person classes you can attend to boost your writing vocabulary and learn how to use new words correctly. Try to find a self-paced course that uses assignments and quizzes to hep you increase fluency and brush up on your writing skills. Some classes are aimed at essay writing or creative writing, so you can find a class that will help you improve the style you need the most help with.

Edit Your Own Writing

After you finish writing, be your own editor and go though the piece with a fine-toothed comb to identify overused and nondescript words with something more precise or colorful. Editing is an important process for spotting writing errors, but it’s also great for improving the tone, style, and clarity of your writing. It might help to read the sentences aloud, then note any lack of precision. Search through your memory for more descriptive words, or consult a thesaurus if you need to.

As you replace words, remember that using a large number of complex words won’t necessarily clarify the meaning, and it may just make your writing more pompous. Ask yourself, “Do I know a better word to use instead?” You may replace “use” with “acquire” or “obtain,” or “do” with “perform.”

Move Words from Comprehensive to Expressive Vocabulary

You actually have two types of vocabulary: one is a much larger set of words you understand, even if only vaguely, and the other is a smaller set of words you actually use to express yourself. Moving words from your comprehensive, but passive vocabulary, to your active, expressive vocabulary is easier than you think. To do this, you’ll need to know how to define, pronounce and spell the words. Say them out loud and use them at every opportunity to move them into your active set.

Ask for Feedback

Do you think your writing could use some help? If you’re struggling with your written vocabulary, try asking someone else for help. A second set of eyes can offer a great deal of insight and spot problems you may not notice yourself, including poor word choice. Don’t be afraid to ask a friend, teacher, co-worker or someone online to review your writing for feedback on your vocabulary.

Carry a Dictionary and Thesaurus with You

How often do you find yourself with free time and nothing to do? Carry a pocket thesaurus or dictionary with you and you’ll find time to beef up your vocabulary while you’re waiting for an appointment, commuting to work or waiting for a bus. Whenever you have a few minutes to spare, read a page or two and learn a new word to add to your writing. It’s also a great idea to look up obscure words you don’t quite grasp that come to you on the fly as you go about your day. You can also use the dictionary or thesaurus to look up unfamiliar words you come across in your daily life.

Use College Preparation Tests

College prep tests that use SAT and ACT-type words are a great way to take your writing to the next level. This form of advanced study will challenge your mind and give you a new set of words to use that are practical and offer your writing the clarity it needs. You’ll also get the chance to brush up on the most important Latin and Greek roots and get a new set of words with activities to help move them into your active vocabulary set.

Play Games

There are tons of non-board games that will help you improve your writing vocabulary while you have fun. Try downloading fun word games onto your phone or computer so you can get some practice while you unwind after a busy day. Some games are designed to build vocabulary skills, but there are plenty of others that will help you practice spelling, phonics, and even typing skills. There are even some designed for college students to prepare for testing and vocabulary-rich exams.

Hopefully, this list has given you an excellent place to start to build your vocabulary a bit at a time. If you think about it, there are opportunities all around you to develop this important skill, so spend time every day reading and listening to take in new words and then develop a system to incorporate these new words in your writing and speech. Before long, you’ll find your vocabulary has grown to a new level and your writing has gained the clarity you need with an ease you didn’t think possible.



Sunday, July 11, 2021

Rearrangement of Sentences


Rearrangement of Sentences is one  of the important components of many competitive examinations. Extensive practice is the key to solve these questions, if your common sense and you speed is good then these questions will be the score maker. There is no such strategies or logic to solve these type of questions just study them and use them in the exercise that follow and you’ll be comfortable with them.

·    When solving jumbled sentences or "Sequence of Words" type questions, first determine the "Subject" and the "Predicate".
SUBJECT - The part which names the person or thing we are speaking about.
PREDICATE - The part that tells something about the subject.

·    A central Theme around which the passage is framed. Identify the central theme, which is usually the first sentence.

  • A logical sequence is present which usually describes the central theme.
  • If there are pronouns like (it, this, that etc) in the sentence, then it simply means that they have already discussed about the subject. So in maximum cases it won't be the first sentence (I and You are exceptions for this rule).
  • Sentences that begin with 'And', 'But' etc usually follow the central theme with an explanation to the same or give additional information.
  • Sentences that have full names mentioned are either the starting or come in the first few sentences of the paragraphs. Similarly, the sentences that have 'they', 'him' or 'her' or the short names would only come after the proper introduction of the person.
  • In maximum cases Last sentence ends with some conclusion / statement
  • It is always a good idea to read the answer options to figure out the most correct sentence, than to try solving the jumbled sentence yourself.

·    Sentence Rearrangement Common Example

·    A. Miss Sullivan arrived at the Keller home when Helen was seven.
B. The deaf and blind Helen learned to communicate verbally.
C. But, eventually, Miss Sullivan's effort was rewarded.
D. Before Helen Keller was two years old, she lost her sight and her hearing.
E. Miss Sullivan worked closely with Helen, her new student.
F. At times the teacher became frustrated.




·    Upon reading the above paragraph, we come to see that in A, B, E, F, the names mentioned are short while in D, the full name is mentioned. Hence D is the first sentence.

·    Next we see that Ms. Sullivan comes into the picture when Helen is seven years old and hence A is the second sentence.

·    The paragraph revolves around Helen's learning and hence E states what joins Helen and Ms. Sullivan.

·    Sentence F states that the teacher became frustrated at times which is followed by C (starts with 'But' which indicates that in spite of something Ms. Sullivan's efforts were rewarded).

·    Sentence B follows stating how the teacher's efforts were rewarded and is the conclusion to a set of events.


Types of Sentence Rearrangement

To solve sentence rearrangement questions efficiently, there are four types of variations that you must know about:

  • In the basic first type of sentence rearrangement, 4-5 sentences will be provided in jumbled-up form & all the applicants have to rearrange them in the correct sequence.
  • In the second variation, the first sentence will be fixed & other sentences will have to be arranged in a way that the first sentence doesn’t move & the whole paragraph is relevant.
  • This is another form of sentence rearrangement in which there is a fixed sentence and the remaining sentences have to rearrange logically that the constant sentence doesn’t move from its designated place in the paragraph.
  • The fourth variation is a mixture of the second & third ones. In this variation, the first & last sentences are constant & other sentences have to be rearranged.

Sentence Rearrangement Tricks

Sentence rearrangement is a scoring topic in competitive exams but if not practised well, it can be a bit confusing & time-consuming. Here are some useful sentence rearrangement tricks and toppers that you use to crack this topic!

  • Read the jumbled sentences with proper focus and at least twice. This will help you to identify the theme of the paragraph and thus it will be easier to arrange the sentences afterwards.
  • Sometimes the first sentence is constant, this makes it easy to identify the sequence of the lines. In case there are no starting sentences, you have to identify the first sentence. You can also opt for the elimination method by removing the wrong choices and from the remaining sentences choose the correct one.
  • Always remember most of the sentences will start with a fact, issue, idea, narration, quote.
  • After fixing your first sentence, move on to the body of the paragraph. It should mainly include more information about the topic, issues, or problems.
  • To complete the whole paragraph you will need a conclusion. The last sentences will include feedback, comment, suggestions, etc.
  • It is always advised to connect one sentence to another, connecting the dots will help you to solve the sentence rearrangement easily.



Choose the best alternative.

·         1. Which of the following nouns is the masculine counterpart of the bride?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 



·         2. Which of the following nouns is the neuter gender?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

Lab assistant

    • D. 



·         3. Which of the following pairs of nouns is composed of males and females?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 



·         4. Which of  the following nouns completes the analogy "cock is to hen as boar is to ______?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 



·         5. Which gender do ''scientists'' belong?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 



·         6. Which of the following is in the common gender?

    • A. 


    • B. 

Flight attendant

    • C. 


    • D. 



·         7. What is the female counterpart of gander?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 



·         8. Which of the following does NOT belong to the neuter gender?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


    • E. 



·         9. What is the gender of the noun ''prophet?''

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 



·         10.  What is the gender of the 1st president of the United States of America?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 



Do refer to  a dictionary for answers or a grammar book.

The following will help you understand it better. 


Twenty Five Ways to Improve your Vocabulary

25 Ways to Improve Your Writing Vocabulary   A man with scant vocabulary is certainly a weak thinker and so cannot write any competitive e...